Archive for September, 2007

Best Buy smashes the clock – –

Anyone who tries to hold their corporate "flexible work policy" in front of this as an equal comparison is lying to everyone, including themselves.

I have always wondered if there will ever be a day where America, and the rest of the world, created a social structure would allow people to pick their heads up from trying so hard to earn the life they want and actually be able to live the life they want. 

There is a trickle-down affect that everyone will appreciate when you allow people to take care of their families and get out in the world.  Suddenly, magically, everyone gets more of what they need (including businesses getting more money).

Best Buy is making a gutsy move and I completely applaud them. 

Best Buy smashes the clock – –

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Not Bad for a Woman

The other day Rob and I were riding our bikes home from work. We frequently admire a particular house in our neighborhood that has a kid-sized zip-line running along the sidewalk between two large trees.

This particular day we noticed that they had re-paved and contoured their driveway to be a mini skate park for their kid and his friends.  When we rode by they were all on their skates and scooters rolling up and down the banks (I’m guessing they were 8 years old).  We stopped and told them how cool their driveway was and how lucky they were to have it.  They invited us to try it out with our bikes.  We partook:

Rob went first and slowly rode in the mini-skate park, being a good example of safety.

I went next and slipped a little on the first mound but rode the other one smoothly.

We thanked them.  As we were leaving, the kid said to me, "you did pretty well for a girl."  His friend chided him for saying that and so he immediately tried to correct himself and said, "i mean for a woman."

Ah, that’s SO much better.  <wink>
I don’t even know how to react to that.  I can only laugh and then sigh.  Will it ever change?

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Windows Live Writer Beta 3

This is the post that I made on my "work blog" about the product I work on:

Today, the Windows Live Writer team released Beta 3.

While Beta 2 was more about adding functionality to Writer and putting in "juicy" features, Beta 3 is more about rounding out the quality of the product.  Joe (one of our developers) does a really good job describing our Beta 3 work in more detail.

This is the last of our beta releases before shipping the "final" 1.0 (or 2.0) version, so now is the time to tell us what you think.

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